Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Renewed in body and faith!

Wednesday, May 11,  2011

Paul came home yesterday afternoon (Tuesday)!!  We were both thrilled to be together again living what has become our "new normal".  To others our daily lifestyle now might not seem so great, but to us it has its own types of routine which have become very familiar and therefore comforting.  It's the "unknown" that's scary to people.

Rocky and I visited Paul at Odyssey House on Monday.  Rocky feels right at home and just crawls in between Paul's legs and takes a nap!!

The 5 days Paul just spent at Odyssey House were designed to give me a break.  And I did take advantage of that time.  Took morning and afternoon naps, plus slept like a log at night.  Ran a few errands, planted some vegetables for a little "dirt therapy", and got a 1 hour massage.  Spent 4 hours waiting at the car-wash where special chemical stuff along with a bunch of elbow grease removed all of the brown paint splattered on my van.  Good as new!!

Wishing a late Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms!!!  And thank you for the flowers, Ben, Shawna, Noah, and Audrey!

By far though the BEST thing I did for me was to go to Sunday School and church Sunday morning.  I had twice before visited the United Methodist Church of The Woodlands.  Their Pastor of Caring Ministries, Cliff Ritter, had visited us at our home a couple of times, and then had introduced me to a lovely young woman who had once also been a caregiver for her friend who had suffered from a terminal disease and died.  Her name is Michelle Morrow and she has a most loving and caring spirit.  I have leaned heavily on her with emotions that only she can understand, thank you Michelle.  Our new friendship is surely a Blessing from God.  Although we have no close family here in Texas, I could already sense the love and caring of our new church family, so I walked the aisle to become a member of this wonderful fellowship.

I'm learning from many how important it is to take care of myself as well.  Plus, last weeks' recent "near meltdown" that I experienced really scared me.  It's easy to ask for help for Paul, but I feel guilty and selfish asking for me.  So here goes.  I would like the opportunity to go to Sunday school and church service every Sunday.  It would give me a regular break, plus something for me to look forward to each week.  But obviously I can't leave Paul at home alone.  I would be delighted if any of our friends could spare a Sunday morning sitting here at home with Paul while I go to church.  Hopefully several of you will respond so no one person would become "stuck" here "every" Sunday.

We had some visitors today!  MJ Reeder worked on base in Kingsville while Paul flew Navy, and she still lives there.  She dearly loves Paul and I know she is loved not only by Paul but by many of her "other boys" from the Kingsville base.  MJ has been a tremendous help to me in gathering all possible military benefits available for Paul.  I'd have to say she is one spunky little lady!!!  Her old car is 18 years old and would have never made the 10+ hour round trip drive here, so she rented a car.  Bless you, MJ, for bringing such sunlight into our lives.  MJ repeated some old jokes Paul had told her many many years ago!  I think even Paul had forgotten those!  A lotta good giggles (and sniffles) were had by all.  And congratulations on your new grandson!  [MJ is concerned about being able to visit here again, especially for the grand finale...   I'll bet some of her "other boys" from the base who remember her could offer her a ride sometime??  Hint!]

Also visiting today was Bruce Roloff who has known Paul since they were in Okinawa.  They flew together at Continental and in the Marines!  They enjoyed sharing "old lies and war stories"!  I kept hoping to hear of some secret story that Paul might have "conveniently" left out of our conversations when I had long ago asked about how he spent his time in Okinawa.  But no secret scandalous stories were revealed.  You Marines sure do stick together!  Thanks Bruce, for taking the time to visit your buddy.

My brother Mike and his wife Phyllis, from Lafayette, Louisiana came bearing gifts from Cajunland!  Boudin and cracklins!!  A taste of home!  Yummmmmy!!  Thanks again.  

Thursday, May 12, 2011
Paul came home from Odyssey House with a little chest congestion which doesn't seem to be improving, so Elaine has ordered a nebulizer and antibiotics to be delivered this morning.  Hope this helps.

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