Sunday, July 17, 2011


Hello Friends and Family,

This is my last post on this blog.

First of all, let me thank you all for showering both of us and our families with such love and support through all of the difficult times. We have been so comforted by your prayers, emails, phone calls, visits, food, flowers, and cards. When Eric was lost we were all in awe of the number of people whose lives he had touched. The same holds true for Paul. I am grateful to those of you who continue to share your fond memories of Paul's solid lasting friendships, his witness of his Christian faith, his devotion to his country, love of his family, and dedication to our marriage. I do feel most certainly blessed to have been chosen to spend his last years on earth by his side. He continues to ease my grief in uncanny ways, letting me know that he is watching over and caring for me. "Abundant Blessings" continue being revealed in my life.

It's almost been 2 months since Paul embarked on his heavenly flight plan. Even though we all had 6 months to prepare for his passing it still seems surreal, doesn't it? During his illness I thought we had already begun the grieving process and would therefore find "the end" to be less painful. Not true. Although I occasionally find myself temporarily distracted from the "sad feelings" they are always always still lurking very near the surface. You know what they say, "time heals". Each day is a little bit better especially when I remember that he now has no pain or suffering from his new heavenly body, only joy and happiness.

As for me, I have decided to try to continue the pursuit of our shared dreams based on the previous 2 years of intense research that we had done together. I've retired from Continental Airlines and temporarily moved to Lafayette, Louisiana to be nearer my family. I'm also hoping to buy an RV and to live in it full-time someday, traveling around visiting friends and family. Have just returned from South Dakota where we had planned on establishing our legal residency.

Currently, I am staying with my 82 year old mother who fell and broke her hip shortly after the funeral. This caregiver role is much easier as her prognosis for a full recovery is extremely good. I'm proud to watch and help her as she heroically plows through her rehabilitation with such focused determination to recover her pre-fall level of mobility. She plans on traveling with me as much as possible!!

God continues to shower me with blessings. The many "coincidences" can only be God working in my life anonymously. Plus, both of our families are very supportive and are encouraging me to "UNshatter" our dreams.

Perhaps someday I'll start a new happier blog about my travels with Rocky and our guardian angel co-pilot.
